With two reviews under my belt, there's one thing that's really sticking out about my writing: it sucks!
There's still so much I'm trying to figure out. What is meant by words like "mouthfeel"? What does malt actually taste like? How many different words for "ale" are there? And how many shades of color are there between blonde and brown that actually have distinct names?
I knew I wouldn't just magically become some overnight wordsmith with the most thorough beer reviews this side of the Mississippi... but my lack of vocabulary and ability to string useful sentences together is a bit alarming. Perhaps I'll learn some cool new words while I study for the GRE and they'll start cropping up throughout the entries here... or perhaps studying for the GRE will stress me out so much I'll drink through so many of my seasonal ales that I won't be able to keep up with reviews and/or I'll be writing them totally blitzed.
Only time will tell.
TIL malt is sweet